Make your own Corrugated Boxes

Corrugated Packaging can be a challenge if your products always change in size, and are highly customizable. The past approach to this challenge has always been to select a group of box sizes that come as close as possible to accommodating your product scale. This long-established approach might work for a while but is very inefficient over time, and always comes to a point down the road where compromise and sustainability collide. At some point a good manager steps in to evaluate the value stream and identify any unnecessary waste.

There are many companies and people who have never thought of manufacturing their own boxes,  it can be a radical idea, and is unlike anything they've been accustomed to regarding corrugated sourcing. With such great versatility and automation in box making machines on the market today this simple to use equipment can potentially streamline the most complex packaging supply chains for end users. The equipment is engineered to output infinite sizes and many different configurations of box styles. It utilizes ready to feed corrugated fanfold material. With the combination of fanfold and machinery this technology makes it possible for an end user to supply their corrugated demand without investing their economic resources in expensive packaging equipment. (Go to our footer links at the bottom of the page and click on page "No Cost for Equipment" to learn more)  For more information feel free to contact us.[contact-form 6 "Run Your Own Boxes"]